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James Cameron Diary, 1892

James Cameron 1892 Diary 12.pdf

Revision as of Feb 21, 2025, 12:32:57 PM
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Revision as of Feb 23, 2025, 2:17:14 AM
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Mr James Cameron Island  
Mr James Cameron Island  
13 of May 1892 Stanley and the 2 Girls went to Mr Andrew Frashers to see Fernandez Got a new Kind of Hen Eggs and Ducks Eggs Heard of Mrs Wards Departure a very Fine Day one of the sheep had 2 Lambs and another had one they all have their Lambs now Leander Broke his spear Fixing the Garden Fence Raking the small stones out of it sawing stove Wood a new Boat went up I think its the Rocket
14th Fine Day Mrs Ward Buried to Day  a Lot of Boats a Going to Day Raking the Garden of small stones and cutting the sod Leander not well set hens to Hatch Narcisse to Summerstown and Lancaster Let the Mare out to Grass on the Pitt Point King Birds came
15th 4 of Lewis's children here Fine some Rain Mr George McDonald  Sanfield and Mifs Cameron here Leander to Hamiltons for our Mail
16th very Windy Painting the side of the Boat with Blue Paint oriols came Narcisse paid his Rent
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Revision as of Feb 23, 2025, 2:17:14 AM

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Mr James Cameron Island

13 of May 1892 Stanley and the 2 Girls went to Mr Andrew Frashers to see Fernandez Got a new Kind of Hen Eggs and Ducks Eggs Heard of Mrs Wards Departure a very Fine Day one of the sheep had 2 Lambs and another had one they all have their Lambs now Leander Broke his spear Fixing the Garden Fence Raking the small stones out of it sawing stove Wood a new Boat went up I think its the Rocket

14th Fine Day Mrs Ward Buried to Day a Lot of Boats a Going to Day Raking the Garden of small stones and cutting the sod Leander not well set hens to Hatch Narcisse to Summerstown and Lancaster Let the Mare out to Grass on the Pitt Point King Birds came

15th 4 of Lewis's children here Fine some Rain Mr George McDonald Sanfield and Mifs Cameron here Leander to Hamiltons for our Mail

16th very Windy Painting the side of the Boat with Blue Paint oriols came Narcisse paid his Rent

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Mr James Cameron Island


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