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James Cameron Diary, 1892

James Cameron 1892 Diary 13.pdf

Revision as of Feb 21, 2025, 12:33:12 PM
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Revision as of Feb 23, 2025, 12:07:31 PM
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Mr James Cameron Island  
Mr James Cameron Island  
22nd of May1892 Rogation Sunday E W Rained Fine Windy Leander to Alexis Island seen the Young Foxes
23rd Rained Fine EW Wind changed to West sawed some Wood chickens out
24th Queen's Birth Day Rained turned Fine turned Windy Randolph here Fixed the Barn Door Got a Tick
25th Windy West Harrowed the Potatoes Fixing Rails and sticks for a Fence at the Hog Pen Drew the 2 cedars up From the River water Raising Fishermen to Lancaster Got a Parcel From Dan Contents 2 Fine Coats 2 Vests 2 Ties and 4 samples of Patrons it was A Fraser Gave Them to the Fishermen and he had a Letter for Fernandez and a card
26th Ascension Day or Holy Thursday Fine Leander and Hugh Ann to Dundee Brought a Tub of Butter 4..80 Bought Boots 2.50 Boots 1..25 Flour 1.20 Cornmeal 20  Salt 80 Ginger 20 Red Paint 15 Thread 15 Washboard 10 Cotton 84 Hat 5 Calico 20 Calico 65 Making a Fence at the Pen Working at the soap  Dick's hand sore Leander to Fish with Narcisse Potatoes up
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Mr James Cameron Island  
Mr James Cameron Island  
27th of May 1892 A very heavy Downpour of Rain to Day some Hail West Wind cutting Brush for the Fence Narcisse and Dick started to go home as his hand is sore Came Back Narcisse to Potatoes Thunder 1 clap 
28th Fine Windy at Fence pealed Elm Bark
29th Fine Rained some John and Billy and Mary Morris and Mifs Plomado Mrs Lemay and her 4 children and Randolph all here paid Mrs Lemay 40 cents John and Billy and the Girls stopt all night
30th Billy Bought 2 sturgeon  From Fishermen they went off Fine making Fence Digging at the Pen {illegible} Tonia and her mother went to Lewis Dan Spink came to Fish
31st Fine E Wind Lewis 2 Boys here for seed Potatoes 1 lb of Butter got cabbage Plants a 100 sheared the sheep cut the Tails of some of the Lambs Senecal at the Fishermans going to the Kit Kit
1st of June Vicky Birth Day 1878 The Glorious First of June Fine very warm Mr Genie here the Through Line Boat went up to night Washed the wool

Revision as of Feb 23, 2025, 12:07:31 PM

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Mr James Cameron Island

22nd of May1892 Rogation Sunday E W Rained Fine Windy Leander to Alexis Island seen the Young Foxes

23rd Rained Fine EW Wind changed to West sawed some Wood chickens out

24th Queen's Birth Day Rained turned Fine turned Windy Randolph here Fixed the Barn Door Got a Tick

25th Windy West Harrowed the Potatoes Fixing Rails and sticks for a Fence at the Hog Pen Drew the 2 cedars up From the River water Raising Fishermen to Lancaster Got a Parcel From Dan Contents 2 Fine Coats 2 Vests 2 Ties and 4 samples of Patrons it was A Fraser Gave Them to the Fishermen and he had a Letter for Fernandez and a card

26th Ascension Day or Holy Thursday Fine Leander and Hugh Ann to Dundee Brought a Tub of Butter 4..80 Bought Boots 2.50 Boots 1..25 Flour 1.20 Cornmeal 20 Salt 80 Ginger 20 Red Paint 15 Thread 15 Washboard 10 Cotton 84 Hat 5 Calico 20 Calico 65 Making a Fence at the Pen Working at the soap Dick's hand sore Leander to Fish with Narcisse Potatoes up

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Mr James Cameron Island

27th of May 1892 A very heavy Downpour of Rain to Day some Hail West Wind cutting Brush for the Fence Narcisse and Dick started to go home as his hand is sore Came Back Narcisse to Potatoes Thunder 1 clap

28th Fine Windy at Fence pealed Elm Bark

29th Fine Rained some John and Billy and Mary Morris and Mifs Plomado Mrs Lemay and her 4 children and Randolph all here paid Mrs Lemay 40 cents John and Billy and the Girls stopt all night

30th Billy Bought 2 sturgeon From Fishermen they went off Fine making Fence Digging at the Pen {illegible} Tonia and her mother went to Lewis Dan Spink came to Fish

31st Fine E Wind Lewis 2 Boys here for seed Potatoes 1 lb of Butter got cabbage Plants a 100 sheared the sheep cut the Tails of some of the Lambs Senecal at the Fishermans going to the Kit Kit

1st of June Vicky Birth Day 1878 The Glorious First of June Fine very warm Mr Genie here the Through Line Boat went up to night Washed the wool

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