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James Cameron Diary, 1892

James Cameron 1892 Diary 23.pdf

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Revision as of Feb 24, 2025, 2:07:42 AM
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Mr James Cameron Island  
Mr James Cameron Island  
31st of August 1892 Raining some Windy Fine Mowed some Leander and John to Round Island Fixed the Latches on the Doors 2 Hunters and a Dog crossed over to Jo Lemays a Tent on Alexis Island
1st of September St Giles Day Fine Cool Windy Plasterig cut 2 sticks for a Jumper Mowed some First churning with the new churn the Leader Hunting commences
2nd  Fine Day Races in Lancaster Working at the Jumper Mowed some the Girls to Lancaster Bought of Mr Glennie 3.25 for 6 chairs and Rocking chair 2 Lamp Chimneys 25 Door Latches and Hinges
Johnny and Leander went to Lancaster For the Boards but they were not Ready Leander Traided his Watch Gave 2 Dollars to Boot
3rd D McMasters Birth Day 1846 Fine Finished the Jumper the Girls crofsed for the Mail  Received a Letter From DMM Games in  Williamstown
4th The Boys and Girls went to Lewis's and he was away to St Regis
5th Fine John Angus B Day 1850  Boys a Mowing in the Marsh one of the Prize Fights to Day Rain
6th Gordon came with a Telegram from Dan Put the Plough in 2 Rows of Potatoes  Mr Robert McGibbon Mr David Fraser and Dan and Frank Laplante Rowing them had a Lot of stuff  and a Prize Fight to Day crofsed over to    Point Lovat

Revision as of Feb 24, 2025, 2:07:42 AM

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Mr James Cameron Island

August 27th 1892 High E Wind Rained some Fine cool Races to be to Day at Jo Duquetts with Boats and Yachts Fixing Fence around the Tobacco The Bohemian a Pleasure Trip John Morris here

28th Fine Day John Leander went to Dundee Hugh Ann Livinia and their Mother went to Hamiltons Mrs Shora and Min and Leander came 5 Gallons of oil 50 St Augustine

29th Fine Leander and John Morris to Lancaster Boards 5 of Them 80 Mowing made some coils went a spearing to night got 2 EEls

30th Fine Warm Fixing the East End Floor of the Frame Min and the 2 Girls went to Lancaster for a churn Fixing the Lime for to Plaster the inside of the House Alexandra and Passport went Down Josy Galerneau here for the Key of Johnys House Bought of Mr McGillis churn 7 1/2 Dollars Lamp 75 2 Door Latches 25

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Mr James Cameron Island

31st of August 1892 Raining some Windy Fine Mowed some Leander and John to Round Island Fixed the Latches on the Doors 2 Hunters and a Dog crossed over to Jo Lemays a Tent on Alexis Island

1st of September St Giles Day Fine Cool Windy Plasterig cut 2 sticks for a Jumper Mowed some First churning with the new churn the Leader Hunting commences

2nd Fine Day Races in Lancaster Working at the Jumper Mowed some the Girls to Lancaster Bought of Mr Glennie 3.25 for 6 chairs and Rocking chair 2 Lamp Chimneys 25 Door Latches and Hinges

Johnny and Leander went to Lancaster For the Boards but they were not Ready Leander Traided his Watch Gave 2 Dollars to Boot

3rd D McMasters Birth Day 1846 Fine Finished the Jumper the Girls crofsed for the Mail Received a Letter From DMM Games in Williamstown

4th The Boys and Girls went to Lewis's and he was away to St Regis

5th Fine John Angus B Day 1850 Boys a Mowing in the Marsh one of the Prize Fights to Day Rain

6th Gordon came with a Telegram from Dan Put the Plough in 2 Rows of Potatoes Mr Robert McGibbon Mr David Fraser and Dan and Frank Laplante Rowing them had a Lot of stuff and a Prize Fight to Day crofsed over to Point Lovat

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