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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1932

Franklin McMillan 1932 Diary 27.pdf

Revision as of Jul 25, 2024, 1:47:46 AM
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Revision as of Jul 25, 2024, 1:47:58 AM
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June 12. went to Toronto to see the sights at High Park. {illegible} and Riverdale Park. Saw a lot of the city. hunting for the park. weather fine + moderately warm.
June 12. went to Toronto to see the sights at High Park. {illegible} and Riverdale Park. Saw a lot of the city. hunting for the park. weather fine + moderately warm.
June 13th. cool east wind an odd {illegible} getting{illegible} but guess they will be worth nothing {illegible} a hour each and check too. $100 + 125 a {illegible}last week.
June 13th. cool east wind an odd {illegible} getting{illegible} but guess they will be worth nothing {illegible} a hour each and check too. $100 + 125 a {illegible} last week.

Revision as of Jul 25, 2024, 1:47:58 AM

June 7th Cooler today finished spraying 10 tanks today total 43 tanks

June 8th. Very cool with strong west wind Hoed Bean + got collage ground ploughed again. in the morning. started to plant Collage after dinner.

June 9th. Planted out Collages. hoeing etc. still cool.

June 10th. fine + milder went to Hamilton sour bugger about strawberries say price at {illegible} and at St Williams 34 quant.

June 11th. Hoeing ploughing + culturating weather fine.

June 12. went to Toronto to see the sights at High Park. {illegible} and Riverdale Park. Saw a lot of the city. hunting for the park. weather fine + moderately warm.

June 13th. cool east wind an odd {illegible} getting{illegible} but guess they will be worth nothing {illegible} a hour each and check too. $100 + 125 a {illegible} last week.

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