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Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1925


Revision as of Oct 23, 2021, 2:28:09 AM, created by

October, 1925.

23 Friday Cloudy & cold. Snow. flurries. Aubrey got back at noon and helped to thresh at Earl Miller's this p.m. Walter & Ella had their dinner at Grandpa Krauter's and were picking apples this p.m.

24 Saturday. Cloudy and showery. Walter, Aubrey and Vernon took the vegetables, etc from the Woolwich S.School down to the Orphanage at Kitchener this afternoon. They went up to Grandpa's to get out apples and were there for tea.

25 Sunday. Cold, cloudy & showery. We went to the Woolwich church & S.S. this morning, came home and ate a hurried dinner, went over to Floradale church & S.S. where Rev.J.P.Hauch preached and the Bridgeport Orchestra rendered excellent music. We went to J.B. Snider's for tea and took in the {Harost?} Home entertainment in the evening. We called at Ezra Maurer's on our way home.

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