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James Ross Diary, 1914-1917


Revision as of Oct 23, 2022, 8:35:48 PM, edited by

Rosmead Diary

Saturday Forward

fine sunny warm. W ihli god made down with A. Schami who look the {?} lamb and shelf down le {lioujut?} m Jursday faid for {wonjhej?} shock 170 lh 2 dj, got balomec {circle with 2 slashes through it} 22.25 got at Russells canned foodois 25 lj he {have?} down it norm lunch in lregjz got at P & J sugar $1.00 flour $4.13 {illegible} 60 {illegible}. I finished fisking no 3 {chemck?} Thenharmony lumiul loud and plowed some j of 2nd Time. Pm Willis plowed Tumiz land and home. O plandid none {jotahies?} in now orchard 3rd row from D L. Kied we jot from Mecke except 2 David wanin sits and j drill next from We choffed some lies. I walked down town at over called m hollow.

1311 273 04 67. 408 45 61
2225 2
. 515
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