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Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary, 1902-1903


Revision as of Jul 18, 2023, 6:34:38 PM, created by

Sat Sep 12. Fine & very warm, Mr & Mrs Nightingale came for tea.

Sun Sep 13. Very hot, Pa & Ma here for dinner. We all went there for tea.

Mon S 14. Fine & warm. They went for drive in forenoon.

Tue Sep 15. Very very hot. Cut Hungarian and pulley peas.

Wed Sep 16. Very, hot, Aunt Mattie went to Brantford. I went to Prayer Meeting. Turned cool at night.

Thur Sep 17. Rained in the morning. Lizzie here all day.

Fri Sep 18. Fine and cooler. We were at Homer.

Sat Sep 19. Fine day and cool. Men hauling in peas. Heavy frost with ice last night.

Sun Sep 20. Beautiful day and cool. Our people at Markham at Mr Reives. Lizzie here. I went to morning church at Concord and to Fisherville.

Mon Sep 21. Fine day, Pa & Willie helped finish Hungarian. Mr Gibson called also Mrs high & Miss Venevry to tea.

Tue Sep 22. Fine day, at home all day.

Wed Sep 23. Fine unill evening a little shower. We did not go to Prayer Meeting.

Thur Sep 24. Fine day cold. Uncle and Auntie at Thornhill in evening.

Fri Sep 25. Fine day. I called to see Mabel Reaman. At Willies in eve.

Sat Sep 26. Fine day, cool. I went to Mrs Leasdales for tea.

Sun Sep 27. Fine, Uncle and I at morning ch. Willie here. We give want to Lutheran ch.

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