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Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1927

Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1927_011.pdf

Revision as of Jul 25, 2023, 12:52:32 AM, created by

Friday, January 14 Weather: Fair & Cold Northuly winds Eggs: 97 Presented with Twelve little figs Washed & crated 5-7 doz eggs Road blocked with snow to Unionville Convention at Unionville, unable to get there John Brown brought his radio batterie up to be stored, Jsabell Scott came also Fertie went to meeting it th church

Saturday, January 15 Weather: Fair. and very cold. North wind Eggs: 93 Market day. Produce fom farm 101 pints cream 55 doz Eggs 28 Ibs butter Roads very heavy to {illegible}. Had supper a Atkinssons on the way home Gim & Geddy called in on their way home

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