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Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1927

Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1927_070.pdf

Revision as of Aug 21, 2023, 3:51:45 PM, created by

{illegible}- rain in the morning cleaning in afternoon eggo 122-2 duck 13{illegible}

mum cleaned wheat in morning a drew gravel in lane in afternoon

in afternoon helped to let the name of the mill down got about {hall?} down.

{Merthen?} - i loudly {ocaslmal?} eggo 125 - 2 duck, {illegible}

{churnned?} 36 {illegible}

{Hnid?} went to {help?} finish the mill mr. Eeliot fell amd was very badly hurt was taken to the hospital in the afternoon Mack i laughed

{killed?} the {chat?} {lins?} & {illegible} {illegible} {canly?} {illegible} in garden

{allumied?} drama at the church grave by Richmond Hill United church & M.D {ralled?} {illegible} mack. {illegible} year get two {hims?} on duck eggs

Eatoms truck delivered {hant}? of funiture

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