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Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1927

Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1927_090.pdf

Revision as of Oct 10, 2023, 11:36:04 PM, created by

Sunday, June 12 Weather - Fine and warm Attended S.S. & church in morning Mr. Eaton took the service After dinner went for motor ride Mr & Mrs. Brown & Mack {illegible} went along Went up to Sharon and back John & Marquirite were down this way In evening a friend of Mack's came in (Mr. Lregg) stayed for supper and then we took them out to the street car mack went away for a few days called in at Jims on our way home but they were away Uncle Jim Hoods & Patersons were up in afternoon while are were away

Monday, June 13 Weather, Fine turning cloudy in afternoon Fred took potatoe planter home sowed cover & creams south of orchard Jim Allen took two loaded of wheat away at $1.48 Finished cleaning wheat then howed {illegible} planted cabage plants in garden Laura was up helping Gertie in afternoon Ollie Bun called in for a little in afternoon

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