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Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1927

Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1927_098.pdf

Revision as of Oct 24, 2023, 12:02:00 AM, created by

Friday, June 24 Weather - Fine cool turning little warmer Fred sowed Buckwheat in orchard & Much rolled buckwheat in morning topped thisltes in afternoon {illegible} Dquau beat Browns Corners 22-2 ball game

Saturday, June 25 Weather, Cloudy, two thundey, storms warm turning cooler Market day Produce from farm Cream 85 pts Butter 52 Ibs Eggs $4 doz 1 doz duck Men stopped thistts in morning & worked around the farm in afternoon Gertie went down to Mrs Youngsin the afternoon Mrs Stevenson {illegible} raigcame home with me from city

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