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William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879

William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_11.pdf

Revision as of Jan 24, 2024, 2:30:13 PM, edited by


May 16 Betsey was buried at Caintown church Revd Mr Brown preached from II Cor 5 chap & fist 4 verses there was over 50 teams the church was full got home at night a little rain this morning
17 Ad made A{might be a symbol for a stile} for a fence this forenoon we began the fence in the afternoon this down the midle below the barn
18 Ad & Wallace went to help Ab McNiel to run lines
19 worked at the fence down the midle of the field farm or nearly so we followed the old ditch I met Mr Nicholson at the station
20 Ad took Mr Nicholson to fairfax he preached here at night Mr Peck preached in the morning in the New church
21 Mr Nicholson went on the Express we worked at the fence in the forenoon rain in the afternoon fine showrs
22 finished the fence and Ad drew 4 loads of Ashes to the garden that makes 16 loads in it
23 Ad drew 4 loads of ashed in the forenoon to the field East of the barn Bruce McNiel drew more to the same place Ad took the roller out to the road & rolled there in the afternoon
24 Bruce drew 10 loads of ashes to the field East of the Barn Ad loaded Wallace rolled at home
25 Ad draged and plowed the remainder of the garden I cut some potatos fine stevens and draged and drew of stone of the field East of the house
26 Ad plowed East of the barn I planted 3 rows of Halls beans next the house then 3 rows of butter beans & 6 hills of watermelons I met Mr Nicholson at night
27 Revd Mr Nicholson preached this morning Mr Stewart at night
28 Ad finished the plowing East of the Barn in the forenoon he then furrowed out the rest of the garden & draged East of the barn furrowed it out Wallace & me planted the garden with potatos except 8 rows
29 finished planting the potatos & corn I planted 4 rows of pop corn & 4 rows of sweet corn in the garden this forenoon Ad drew stones for the foundation of the shed at the church & he got his ankle hurt
30 I worked at the shed in the forenoon went to Mr Finises funeral there was 58 rigs he was buried at the Union church Revd Mr Brown preached from Rev XIV 13 the church was full
X 31 I helped at the shed we got it raised up this afternoon there a great many there Ad is a little better
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