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William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879

William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_48.pdf

Revision as of Jan 31, 2024, 1:46:17 PM, edited by


June 1 Planted corn East of the Barn on where we had potates last yeare put the corn that took the premium at Delta on the first 2 ridges all but the last row the rest is our own Ad had a plowing bee in the north field 8 teams got a good job done
2 Revd Mr Brown preached this morning Mr Nicholson at night
3 Ad plowed for there potatos at the road and made out his report of the Road at Dowsleys Corners
4 little rain this morning Ad came & draged the summer fallow Wallace rolled the Peas and oats North of the house then rolled summer fallow Mr Bigg came up on the mixed stoped all night went away this morning
5 {in left margin} washed the sheep got them in the Wagagen took them to the pit {illegible} Ad sowed 3 Bushel of Buckwheat in the North field midle part it is intended to plow under for manure he draged rolled sowed then draged
6 very hard frost last night & this morning the potatos & cucumbers is all frozen at the station no damage here Ad sowed 1 bushel of Buckwheat in North field
7 rain this afternoon he went to the road in the afternoon
8 Ad drew 2 loads of wood from Bruces this forenoon he planted potatos at the road in the afternoon I atended an Agriculture meeting
9 Revd Mr Nicholson preached this morning Mr Brown at night
10 put the stove out in the forenoon I went to Mr Richardson & received 4 dollars for 2 days survaying last year & 7 dollars 50 cents for cloathes that I got for Jennie Kennee which paid to Joseph Taylor & Mrs Fullerton for the stuff & makeing
11 we shered the sheep in the forenoon I went through the Early potatos in the afternoon
12 went to the funeral of Stanton Johnston he was buired at the Union Church Revd Messers Corral and Huston oficiated there a very large funeral 78 teams
13 went to the Laying of the cornerstone of the St Johns Church it was laid by the Dep Grand Master of the Free Masions there was good many there they had Dinner in the grove 50 cents a peace
14 I went to Gananoque to asist on a case of selling liquor on Sabbath day one case was not proven the other was ajurned till thursday the witness did not appear
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