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William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879

William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_52.pdf

Revision as of Feb 1, 2024, 12:25:03 AM, edited by


August 1 Ad & Wallace drew in six loads of oats at home fine drying wind
rain 2 Ad & Wallace id drawing drew in 3 loads then there was a little rain that stopt them
3 Ad & Wallace got all in at home heavy rain this afternoon
4 Revd Mr Nicholson preached this morning Mr Garrat at night
5 began to hook the peas rain at night
6 they hooked peas in the forenoon Ad cut some of the oats in the North field rain in the afternoon so that he could do nothing
7 Ad cut some of the oats in the North field rain in the afternoon Wallace hooked peas
8 Ad went out to the 6th Concession to see the fence there was cattle in the oats in the afternoon him & Wallace & Lattimer worked at the peas hooking a while Ad then finished the cuting of the oats all done now expect a few peas
9 there was heavy thunder & rain last night & this morning there fell about 5 inches on the level the roads & fields is a flood of water no work {left margin} water runing on the road about inches at the first ditch
rain 10 we turned over the peas & oats this forenoon but there came up heavy rain at noon & flooded the ground so that the water runs over the road
11 fine day Revd Mr Garret preached this morning and Mr Nicholson at night
rain 12 turned over the peas & oats got in 3 loads all in the field below the house & 1 load of oats out of the North field that is 4 loads in all to day then there was very heavy rain
13 Ad & Wallace worked at Wallaces seller opisit the school house the ground is very wet the grain in {illegible}
14 We spread & turned over the peas & oats this forenoon got all in except a little peas that is to hook
15 Ad & Wallace hooked the peas & took them home this forenoon they helped Bruce in the afternoon
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