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William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879

William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_62.pdf

Revision as of Feb 4, 2024, 11:31:15 PM, edited by


Jan 1 Ad went to Delta Ellen & Wm, Jennet & Bessie went with him they are going to Wats fine day
2 very stormy day snow and wind hevy drifts Ad came home from Delta this afternoon roads heavy
3 still storming, Ad went to Gananoque with a grist no traveling on the roads they are drifted up
4 still storming Wallace went for a load of wood & to bring Malcom home but he came home yesterday Wallace was from 11 oclock till dark geting back there is no travel on the roads he was the only one
5 Revd Mr Oxby preached this morning & Mr Garret at night Ad took Mr Oxby to Fairfax in the afternoon
6 I went with Mr Oxby to see Mr Darling he is very poorly he has taken gangrin in his little toe James McMullen took us Add took Jennie to Farmersville She is going to the high School there the roads is very bad Malcom drew dung all day
7 he is drawing dung hear to day into the garden fine day
8 Ad Wallace & Malcom went to the 6 Con Ad brought a load of wood here I atended the annual School meeting Wm Thompson was put in Trustee instead J Lattimer stormy day
9 Ad drew 2 loads of wood brought 1 here
10 Ad Do 1 Do he left it here Rob Beatty came up with a Sow to Ads Stoped all night at Ads
11 Ad drew 2 loads of wood left 1 here took 1 home
12 Revd Mr preached a Missionary sermon we had no Minister
13 Malcom drew 2 loads of wood he left 1 hear took the other to the road cut some wood form me I had a bad cold
14 Malcom drew 2 loads of wood left 1 here took 1 to the road Ad went to Delta as a witness for Billie
15 Malcom drew 1 load of wood he left it here cold day
16 Ad got home in the that is 1 oclock night very stormy wind & snow this morning Malcom Drew 1 load of wood here
17 Malcom drew 1 load here & 1 to the road
18 Malcom drew 1 load the he sawed some wood for me in the woodshed fine day but cold
19 Revd Mr Matthews preached for us this morning Mr Garret at night stormed last night
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