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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
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White River sets With Record
of 56 below-38 at
Toronto, Feb. 11-(Special)-The weather burear reports the cold wave fof yesterday unchanged in position and increased in severity, with no prospects of a milder temperature. The vorecast is the somef or Ontario, Quebec and the Maritine Provinces to-day, to-morrow, "fair and continued extremely cold." Every province from Alberta east reports zero weather or lower. White River, as usual, taking the "cake with 54 at eight o'clock this morning. Winnipeg reports 38 below, Saulte Ste Marie, 22; Toront, 12; Kingston, 30; Otawa, 26; Montreal, 26; Quebec, 32; St. John 16, and Halifax four. Other places in Quebec report 36 below zero.