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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Jul 6, 2023, 5:02:06 PM, edited by

Friday, January 2 {diarist used extra-large letters} 2 DAYS PAST 363 TO COME

Diagnosis of Peritoneal Effusions. With the patient lying on his back in peritoneal effusions of moderate or small quantity, there is always fulness of the flanks, the degree of fulness depending not only on the quantity of fluid, but also on the relaxation and thinness of the abdominal wall. If the abdominal wall is relaxed there is always more less flattening of the abdomen anteriorly; if the walls are tensely distended this appearance is obsucred. If there is much subcutaneous fat the fulness is even more greatly obscured; edema will also obscure it.-A. McPhedran; Canadian Med Assoc. Journ.

Weather Temp Fair 26

Had our dinner at J.G Dana's . N Matthews was buried. Started to snow in the evening. Went to chastitute meeting held at {Hoavers?} Drove Nydia Todd 6 miles

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