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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
Revision as of Jul 14, 2023, 6:55:41 PM, edited by
Monday, January 12{diarist used extra-large letters} 12 DAYS PAST 353 TO COME
Some "Dont's i" in Cardiac Therapeuticcs-(Continued).
Don't forget that digitalis, strophanthus, strychnine and caffeine are the most effective heart stimulants, and that nearly everything in the line of heart stimulation can be ac- complished by them if they are correctly exhibited. 'Don't use nitroglycerin in cardiovascular disease to reduce blood pressure if the kidneys are much sclerosed, but do not fail to use it freely if coronary sclerosis is present.-Med. Review of Reviews. ( Concluded second page following.)
Weather very blustery Temp 12
Snowed a little off, and on, all d day. Mand & Mella, went to school Augene took them, and event for them. Panas over to Mr Gobes after dinner. Engine was down to Bingham and spent the evening. Nadin went by miles.