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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
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An Iron Need is a Vital Need.
Ferric re-enforcement is an imperative necessity in almost all cases of anemia, chlor-anemia, chlorosis, tuberculosis, Bright's, malnutrition. Pepto-Mangan (Gude) supplies the essential material: meets the imperative blood need; fulfills the therapeutic indication, without harm to digestion or disturbance of any function. The true test of a tonic is its action as a genuine reconstuctive rather than its temporary effect as a mere "pick-me-up." Pepto-Mangan (Gude) has, for nearly twenty years, been successfully playing the eminently useful role of a true tonic in all sorts of general devitilization. It still maintains its undeniable supremacy as an hematic reconstituent, of special service in the convalescence of la grippe, typhoid, pneumonia and all acute illnesses.
The Hemic Murmur and the Venous Hum indicate a distinct anemia, the character and degree of which may be determined by the blood count and hemoglobin estimation. A therapeutic quartette of marked value in such cases is composed of fresh air, nourishing food, rest, and Pepto-Mangan (Gude). This valuable hematinic is distincly palatable and entirely free from irritant or astringent properties. Its beneficent influence is nowhere better illustrated than in the after-treatment of the acute diseases of childhood. The readiness with which even the youngest child takes and tolerates it, and its prompt and decided tono-stimulant effect upon nutriition generally, renders Pepto-Mangan (Gude) the first choice among reconstuctives in pediatric pratice.