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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Nov 7, 2024, 8:38:56 PM, edited by

Monday, January 26

=== Surgical Suggestion ===.

Lavage of the stomach prepartory to an operation for intestinal obstruction had best to be done before anesthetizing. Performed during narcosis the procedure may cause alarming embarrassment of repiration and, if the throat should become flooded with mucus or stomach content, as occasionally happens,an aspiration pneumonia is very apt to follow. - Amer.Journ. of Surg.

Weather warm Temp. Eugene got my new furniture and his new bed stead. Had Aleta over a little while in the evening. Mark and John went down Shed but they was sent home so Mark came home with John. Eugene tok the girls to school & went for them. Drove Lydia 7 miles Bill 5 miles.

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