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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Nov 7, 2024, 8:46:56 PM, edited by

Tuesday, January 27



WHEN a medicinal preparation has been before the medical profession for twenty years:
WHEN it has increased in both sale and prestige, year by year;
WHEN it is acknowledged to be the standard in its special field;
Is it not safe to rely upon it in cuitable cases? Such a preparation is Pepto-Mangan (Gude).

Weather Thawing Temp.

Snow nearly all gone. Washed to day. Eugene took the firls John & Mark went down to Sheds again & they wasn't home so Mark came back with John. Eugene has gone to Mr Ashtons to try & buy a beef. I went for the girls. Lydia went 6 miles Bill 5. Eggs 75 cts Mrs L Wagner was up this morning

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