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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
Revision as of Aug 14, 2023, 5:19:09 PM, created by
Monday, February 9 40 DAYS PAST 325 TO COME
Danger Signals of Cancer.
(1) Cancer of the breast: The danger signal here is a small lump. In a woman over 35 or 40, this is cancer in at least 90 per cent. of cases. To wait a month to see if it grows, or shows signs of a cancer, is very likely to mean the woman's death in a short time.
(2) Cancer of the uterus: The danger sign here is slight bleeding at irregular times, or any bleeding after the meno- pause.-Childe. (Continued second page following.)
Jery cold in the morning. I took the girls to school. & went for them. took the Anney to fill Pierce for, Jefferies Goose. Pa was down threads. Eugene was over to Me Douces Fold 71.10 north. of eggs good wheeling
Nydia & Bill 10 Polly 7 1⁄2