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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
Revision as of Nov 8, 2024, 4:36:20 PM, created by
Thursday, February 12
Conditions of Invalidism.
Nutritive and blood glandular reinforcement is the essential indication in chronic ill-health from any cause. There is no general reconstituent that exhibits more prompt and potent effects than Pepto-Mangan (Gude), a ferruginous and manganic restorative and blood builder of proved and undoubted efficiency and eligibility.
Weather Very cold Temp. /3 below
I took the girls & drove Polly & meet Pa at Mrs Clines drove from there to the cemetary to see about digging Uncle Teeples grave. Then I came home colder than a frog. Then I went for Melba & got Bill shod cost 76 cts. Mr Thompson went down and got him for me. Maudie stayed for the school supper & entertainment Eugene went for her after the entertainment. Mr Cox was over a little while in the evenining. I was at Mrs. McHays & Mrs Clines in the afternoon for a few minutes. Eugene was home all day. Got me one new pair of over shoes. Good wheeling
Bill 6" Polly 13"