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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Aug 14, 2023, 3:22:43 PM, created by

The Pale Flag of Truce.

The characteristic pallor of the chlorotic subject is the "pale flag of truce," thrown out by the capitulating organism. Unless the essential blood deficiency is corrected, organic disease of more serious import is likely to ensue. Pepto-Mangan (Gude) restores blood vitality in anemia of all varieties. chlorosis, amenorrhea, Bright's disease, chorea, tuberculosis, rickets, rheumatism, malaria, convalescence, etc., etc. Dose: One tablespoonful after each meal. Children in proportion.

The After Treatment of Catarrhal Colds, Etc.

The various colds, "grippes," and catarrhs, that afflict the respiratory mucous membranes during the winter months, are extremely likely to leave their traces upon the general systemic vitality, in the form of a greater or lesser degree of anemia. This is especially true of those whose resistance is "below par," i.e., elderly people, young ill-nourished children, and weaklings from whatever cause. The constitutional after-treatment of respiratory disorders, among this class of patients, is usually more honored in the breach than in the observance. There can be no better routine practice than to order Pepto-Mangan (Gude) as a general tonic and reconstituent, especially when anemia is apparent. This exceedingly pleasant and ferruginous reconstructive is so distinctly palatable as to render it generally acceptable to all patients, and is so entirely free from irritant properties as to insure its ready toleration without causing constipation or disturbance of digestion.

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