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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Nov 8, 2024, 7:37:26 PM, created by

Saturday, February 21


Diagnostic Pitfalls

"Acute gastritis" is a rare disease in adults. As a rule appendicitis or gall-stones is the correct diagnosis.
"Chronic indigestion" is usually a mistaken diagnosis, the actual condition being peptic ulcer, pulmonary tuberculosis, constipation or cancer of the colon.
"Bronchitis" usually proves to be phthisis, bronchiectasis or bronchopneumonia at autopsy or in the outcome.
"Asthma" beginning after middle life is usually a symptom of cardiac or renal disease.--Cabot; J. A. M. A.

Weather Cold & sleighing <Temp.
The girls and I went over to Mrs Dances, helped card wool for a quilt. The girls stayed all night. Eugene went to Aylmer in the evening. John went to Kingsmill in the morning then in the afternoon drawed wood. Eugene got a calf from Andrew Davis. Mrs. Thompson & Boyde went to St Thomas.

bill 6, Mydia 7, Polly 2 1/2

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