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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
Revision as of Nov 8, 2024, 7:38:35 PM, edited by
Tardy or Rapid Recovery?
After an acute or exhausting illness the patient always inquire: " How soon will I be up and around?" To "boost up," " brace up" and "tone" up," no medicinal agent is quite equal to
Pepto Mangan ("Gude")
It restores appetite and color,vitalizes every function and re-create strength and vigor of blood and body after Typhoid , Pneumonia, La Grippe,Malaria,Scarlet Fever, Measles,Diphtheria and other febrile diseases. It build up the depleted blood after Hemorrhage,Sepis or Supppuration.It imaparts spirits and snap to the Neurasthenic , and reders recovery rapid instead of tardy,after any serious illness.
In 11 oz. bottle only.
Never sold in bulk.
New York, U. S. A.
To insure results to both patients and physican, specify "original bottle."