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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
Revision as of Nov 12, 2024, 7:52:45 PM, created by
Monday, March 2
"A Wonderful Amount of Good."
A practitioner of Orkney, Scotland, who appends to his name the qualifications, M.B.M.S., Edin., L.S.A., Lond., writes: "I have personally used for malarial anemia, one bottle Pepto-Mangan (Gude) and I grant you all you claim for it, as it has done me a wonderful amount of good where other organic compounds of iron helped me but little. I intend to prescribe it freely in full expectancy of marked benefits."
Weather Temp.
One of the windies{t} days I was ever out and very wet & very cold besides. I took the girls & their Father went for them. John was over to Marks & Eugene down to Binghams for the evening. We washed & I spent the rest of my day & evening mending old coats & mittens. Mark was over in the morning when I came from taking the girls to school. (Bill {illegible} Polly 197 & 126 &148?)
Billy 5 Polly 5