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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Nov 12, 2024, 8:37:18 PM, created by

Saturday, March 7


Indications for Operation in Chronic Disease of Middle Ear.

1. Continued pain in an ear which is discharging, or on that side of the head.
2. When the discharge has lasted three months in spite of attention to the ear, throat, and nose.
3. If there is bleeding, blood stained, or brown discharge coming from the ear.
4. If the perforation in the drum is enlarging. (This means that the membrane is being destroyed.)--Leslie.
Concluded second page following.)

Weather Thawing Temp.
Maude Thompson & I went to Aylmer in the afternoon. Margrett Standing & Wilfred Bingham was here all day. The firls took their music lesson. Eugene went to Aylmer to sell old pet. The criple lamb came to night

Nydia 5" Billy 5

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