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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
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Blood Impoverishment.
In meeting that condition of the system enbraced in the above headlines, is it not true that our first thought, and that to which our instinct naturally leads us, is iron; but viewed from the standpoint of now accepted scientific facts, is this not looking at but one phase of the question? That there is a deficiency of iron in the blood in most forms of anemia is, of course, indisputable; and to endeavor to supply this lack by the administration of iron seems but a common sense procedure.
To invigorate, to rekindle nervous force, to revitalize all functions, and thereby bring about a condition of systemic vigor, of which blood-enrichment is necessarily a feature, the addition of manganese to iron is desirable. In Pepto-Mangan, iron and manganese was first brought to the attention of all the profession by Dr. Gude, Chemist, and this preparation is found to be one of the best therapeutic resources of the present-day physician, and when combined with such other remedies as meet the indication, such as we have spoken of, forms at once a therapeutic arsenal whose fortress is impregnable.