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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
Revision as of Nov 13, 2024, 3:21:17 PM, created by
Saturday, March 14
Other Remedies Disagreed.
A physician in South Dakota writes: "I am giving Pepto-Mangan (Gude) to a patient convalescing from a long stay in bed due to mitral involvement from inflammatory rheumatism and the results are very good indeed--all other forms of tonic medication seemed to disagree with her stomach."
Weather Warm Temp.
Maudie & Melba went to Aylmer after tea to take Hellen Standing home, she was out for dinner & tea, I went to Kingsmill for John. Aleta came home from London, {written between lines: "John was up to Mrs Teeples"} and she came home with us, and had tea then Eugene took her home. Maudie & I papered the parlor clothes room. Clifford Skinner was up a little while in the afternoon.
Billy 5 Polly 12 miles don't know how much for the