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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
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Physiology and Pathology of Bile Secretion.
Albu reports certain observations made in the case of a woman with a biliary fistula. The latter had existed for nine years. Various diets were taken, and it was found that one of milk, eggs, soup, white bread, vegetables and fruit caused a more abundant outflow of bile than a diet in which meat figured largely. The author thinks that it is not possible to determine from experiments on animals just what remedies will in man produce an increased bile flow, and thinks that many investigators have mistaken an outflow of. bile from accumulations in the various biliary reservoirs for an actual increase in its formation in the liver cell.
A Reasonable Inference.
A lady and her little daughter were walking through a fashionable street when they came to a portion strewn with straw, so as to deaden the noise of vehicles passing a certain house. "What's that for ma?" said the child; to which the mother replied:-"The lady who lives in that house has had a little baby girl sent her." The child thought a moment, looked at the quantity of straw, and said:-"Awfully well packed, wasn't she, me?"