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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Aug 4, 2023, 8:44:46 PM, created by

In Surgical Convalescence.

In order to find out the best hematinic for surgical cases, Dr. S. C. Emley, late Pathologist Augustana Hospital, Chicago, administered various preparations, with the permission of Dr. Ochsner. The preparations used were malt with iron and manganese; malt with iron, quinine and strychnine; Blaud's pills and Pepto- Mangan (Gude). He tabulates the results and says: "After watching the effects of the medication on the patients, and observing the records, it is seen that Blaud's pills acted quickly, but constipated; the malt combinations caused nausea in a few patients, and the malt, manganese and iron combination caused constipation in nearly all. The Pepto-Mangan given in milk was agreeable to take, and in no case did it cause nausea or constipation. While in two cases the Blaud's pills acted more quickly than Pepto-Mangan in two similar cases, on the whole the latter gave better and quicker results than any of the others, and at the same time caused no digestive disturbances in any of the cases."

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