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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Aug 4, 2023, 9:00:09 PM, created by

Infantile Gastro=Enteritis.

Dr. Boyce W. Knight, New York, in American Medicine, contends against the starvation principle in treatment. While he discontinues the use of milk, he puts the patient on a diet of veal or chicken broth, barley water, or one of the dried cereal-containing milk foods. He irrigates the colon but once or twice, during the first twenty-four hours, with sterile water at 100 degrees F. Salol, calomel and castor oil are the principal drugs advocated.

He Knew Her Destination.

A young physician was once called in by a gentleman who had a very sick mother-in-law. After looking into the case carefully, the young M.D. called the gentleman aside and said: "Well, the only thing I can suggest is that you send your mother-in-law to a warmer climate." The man disappeared and came back with an axe a moment later, and exclaimed: "Here, doctor, you kill her. I really haven't the heart."-Argonaut.

Baltimore Charity.

At John Hopkins Hospital a story is told of a woman who, after being treated, lingered in the dispensary. "Is there anything further, madam?" a young doctor asked. "Oh, no, I'm just waiting till they've treated my maid."

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