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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
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Prepare for School Days.
And now the little army of young humanity, after the long vacation, trips back to school to commence the long period of mental and bodily stress and strain inseparable from indoor confinement and long hours of work and study. Is it not the part of wisdom to see that they are well prepared for what, to many of them, is really a serious ordeal?
If the boy or girl (especially the girl at the age of puberty) is anemic, easily tired, pale and listless, it is certainly a good plan to correct this condition at once, rather than to wait until the condition is more serious. If the young pupil is fortified by the toning and building up of blood and tissue, the prevalent school infections, measles, scarlet fever, and diphtheria, are much more likely to pass them by. Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is especially indicated as a blood tonic and general reconstituent for children, as it is palatable, easily taken, free from disturbing effect upon the digestion, and devoid of constipating action. It can be taken for any length of time without danger of injury to the stomach, and its effect is soon noticeable in increased appetite, improved color, better spirits and increased weight.