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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Aug 5, 2023, 4:57:12 PM, created by

The Return from the Country.

Almost every city family, whose exchequer will permit, is accustomed to spend a goodly portion of the heated term away from home. This is both natural and salutary, provided good judgment is exercised in the selection of the country place or summer resort, as regards its general healthfulness and sanitary environment. Unfortunately sanitation on farms and in rural communities is not always what it should be and the result is that many health and pleasure seekers return in the Autumn depressed and run down or perhaps infected with malarial or typhoid poison. In other cases, especially at crowded fashionable resorts, because of the continual round of exciting amusements, some are tired and fagged out instead of rejuvenated as the result of their Summer's outing. Many are certainly in need of that general constitutional reconstruction and building up of force and resistance which is necessary to withstand the business or social strain of the fall and winter. In such cases there is no one single remedy quite as dependable as Pepto-Mangan (Gude). It increases appetite, restores strength and general vitality, reinforces the hemoglobin content of the blood and acts as a prompt and efficient general tonic and reconstituent for patients of all ages.

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