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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
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In Surgical Convalescence.
After considering the various types of anaemia as they come within the purview of the surgeon, and showing the rational basis and the undoubted clinical results of treatment with iron, Dr. George G. Van Schaick, attending surgeonto the French Hospital and the St. Vincent de Paul Orphan Asylum, New York City, emphasizes the superiority of the organic preparations. In many instances, he says, they have shown a distinct superiority over the inorganic ones, and their greater palatability, together with the fact that they best forms they do not cause constipation and may usually be administered for any length of time, are distinct points in favor of their use. For several years past he made use of Pepto - Mangan (Gude) in all instances of aneamia complicating cases in his surgical practice with exceedingly good results. "The cases cited by Von Ramdohr and Emory Lanphear, as well as those I have observed, show that we have in such preparations as Pepto - Mangan (Gude) a means of obtaining good results with a certainty that is almost mathematical, and without any of the distressing symptoms so frequently following the use of the inorganic preparations."