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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Aug 6, 2023, 8:44:12 PM, created by

Heart Palpitation.

The distressing and excessive palpitation of the heart occurring in nervous, anemic persons can often be averted, according to Dr. G. F. Butler (Am. Journ. of Clin. Med., April, 1913) by bending double, the head down and the hands hanging so as to produce a temporary congestion of the upper half of the body. The heart not infrequently resumes its normal function immediately after such a procedure.

Boiled and Raw Milk.

Brenneman states that raw and boiled milk are clinically very different foods; that the most striking difference between them, as shown by experiments, is in their reaction to rennin; that the casein of raw milk, unless modified so that it will not form hard and large coagula, offers serious difficulties in digestion that are not present in boiled milk; and that these differences between raw and boiled milk should be borne in mind in comparing clinical, therapeutic, and experimental results in infant feeding. (Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc.)

Quinine Cocktails?

First Invalid: "What's the matter with you?" Second Invalid: "Ague. What's your trouble?" First Invalid: "Same thing." Second Invalid: "Good. Let's shake for the drinks." -Chicago News.

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