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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


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In Chorea and Anmeia

Dr.R.W. Miller, Lecturer on Nervous and Mental Diseases and Proffeser of Theory and Practice of Pharmacy , University College of Medicine , Richmond , Va., states that he is strongly of the opionion that anaemia as an etiologic factor in chorea is worthy if investigation , and in cases where chorea is accompanied by anameia, Pepto= Mangan (Gude) is distinctly indicated and will improve both conditions. Three cases are given an illustration.

Dr.Hermann Metall, assistant physician to the General Polyclinic at Vienna, says:

"The advantage of this preparation (Pepto-Mangan) is that it exerts a simulating effect upon the blood-forming organs,these being excited to greater functional activity,and that the favourable effect manifests itself even within a short time by a increased oxygenation of the blood. At the same time this chalybeate, as already mentioned, cause no digestive disturbances and does not injure the teeth.

He reports a number of cases with blood counts which demonstrates the excellence and efficency of Pepto-Mangan. He adds :" Unpleasent concomitant effects and disagreeble sequeale were never observed during the use of the remedy. Erucatations , pressure in the stomach and nausea were never noticed."

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