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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Aug 26, 2023, 9:00:22 PM, created by

W. Barllett ( Boston Med. and Surg. Journ.) gives the following indication for the open treatment of fractures: (1) When a leg case must be gotten out of bed early;(2) old cases of non-union or extreme mal-union . (3): This treatment is desirable in all fresh, widely- open fractures if shock be past . (4) Chronically infected cases, in which the bones lie bare. He furthur states all compound wounds , whether suppurating or not , are to be packed and allowed to granulate. The patient must be a good surgical risk.

A Prescription That Was Not " Substituted"

An old-school physican practicing in a small town supporting only one druggist of over-scrupulos principals ,wrote for one of his patients the following precription:

R Spir. frumenti, q.s

A.B.C., M.D

Fearing the druggist might hesitate to fill the prescription - it being Sunday- He added the following:

Please give the bearer the above named potation; He's a pretty good champ and employed at the station; The liquid he craves is known as Frumentum and the name at the bottom will tell you who sent 'iM

The letter ' q.s to be very explict, Is a medical dodge known as " quantum suffict" But if if a special tanslation you crave for , It is simply this;Give him all he can pay for.

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