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Ernest Buck Diary, 1926

Ernest Buck Diary 1926 20.pdf

Revision as of Feb 29, 2024, 4:18:39 PM, created by

April Saturday 10 1926

Lloyd Ross helped me on Saturday with the milk route so I finished up in pretty fair time. Everybody else went to town at night but I stayed home, fixed up the horses and retired about en bells.

Sunday 11

Alex brought part of my load of milk in on big truck. Called at hospital for a few minutes to see Earl Scott on way home. Mr Midgely, Mrs Midgely, Miss Midgely, Mr Burrill, and Bobbie came out in afternoon. Nice time at Barkers at night. Heard Frieda Hippall sing over radio. Home at two-oclock.

Monday 12

Another fine day. Alex went to Faskin's sale and purchased another wagon for the farm. Felt pretty tired at night so retired at 9.30 as soon as we finished the chores across the road.

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