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Ernest Buck Diary, 1926

Ernest Buck Diary 1926 23.pdf

Revision as of Mar 6, 2024, 8:39:55 PM, created by

April Wednesday 28 1926

Supposed to go up to Jeans at night but wasn't feeling very well and weather was so disagreeable that I decided to stay home at night.

Thursday 29

My stomach felt some better so I made fairly good time on the route but was pretty tired at night so went to bed early

Friday 30

Went up to see Jean at night and we went up home for a drive. Had a nice visit with the folks and left for home quite early. Pleasant drive as usual with Jean and home by 12.20

May Saturday 1 1926

A dandy spring day. Spent a busy day with the route, in the dairy, and then waashed my milk-wagon late in afternoon. Late with chores at night but Alex and I went to Paris in the Chevrolet. Nice time with Jean in the Dodge. Had my first Guernsey milk shake.

Sunday 2

A real warm Spring day. Called at hospital to see Samson on way home from town. Drove up to see Jean at night and heard several accomplished artists in last Atwater-Kent radio winter program. Had a wonderful drive with Jean afterwards when we took Melbourne home. Home the same day as I went for first time in ages.

Monday 3

Rained for a short time early in the morning then turned colder and windy. A cold night for May. Sowed the first grain in 1926 on Bendemere Farm. Retired early after a busy day.

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