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Ernest Buck Diary, 1926

Ernest Buck Diary 1926 34.pdf

Revision as of Mar 21, 2024, 3:20:19 PM, created by

July Saturday 3 1926

Didnt go to town at night but Alex, Jimmie, and I went for a swim and boat ride instead. We sure had some queer sport with Jim.

Sunday 4

Got kitten at Wicksons in morning and Jimmie and I took it up to Jean at night. Jimmie named her "Polly". Jean opened her five-pound box of chocolates and as Jimmie says we had a queer feed.

Monday 5

Drove up to Geo Telfers after supper after the cream. Had a swim, then kicked football for a while followed by a lunch of cake and lemonade. Made arrangements about going to picnic.

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