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Ernest Buck Diary, 1926

Ernest Buck Diary 1926 34.pdf

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July Saturday 3 1926

Didnt go to town at night but Alex, Jimmie, and I went for a swim and boat ride instead. We sure had some queer sport with Jim.

Sunday 4

Got kitten at Wicksons in morning and Jimmie and I took it up to Jean at night. Jimmie named her "Polly". Jean opened her five-pound box of chocolates and as Jimmie says we had a queer feed.

Monday 5

Drove up to Geo Telfers after supper after the cream. Had a swim, then kicked football for a while followed by a lunch of cake and lemonade. Made arrangements about going to picnic.

July Tuesday 6 1926

Peddled my milk in a hurry and was home and had bottles washed by a little after one thanks to Alex. Had a speedy ride in Hughies Dodge to U.F.Y.P.O picnic at Soper Park Galt. We had a fair crowd and a good time especially on slippery raft. Great feed for supper. Saw good show at Scott's Theatre afterwards.

Wednesday 7

Jimmie helped washed the bottles after dinner then we went down to Presbyterian Picnic on Vanatters flats. Came home to do chores at 4.30 and were back for supper at 6.15. Maybe we didnt have a great feed, followed by good programme of races, sing song and fire-works. Over six hundered were present at the picnic.

Thursday 8

Dr {last part illegible - Dunta?} asked me about eleven o'clock if I would have my blood tested for a blood transfusion. I did and it was all O.K. Went to hospital at two and was on operating table for 3 to 4.15. Rather a unique experience for me and got my first meal and vision of hospital life. Had a stiff arm & felt weak, afterwards. {Austia or Austis?} brought me home at 9 P.M.

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