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Ernest Buck Diary, 1927
Ernest Buck Diary 1927 5.pdf
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January Monday 10 1927
A nice bright day for me to start back on the milk route after not having peddled for six days. Got along pretty good even if Charlie Birley who was supposed to help me didn't show up till I was nearly through. Finished up at 12:15. My feet were pretty tired at night after being on them all day so retired a few minutes after 8.
Tuesday 11
Charlie helped me peddle the milk and we had a great time and were home by 12.20. He washed the bottles in the afternoon and Alex and I drove to town then went to Brantford with Dad where did some business then went to a sale just outside the city. I went after a horse but didn't buy any as they didn't fill the bill. Paris defeated Hamilton 4-3 in an O.H.A. hockey game.
Wednesday 12