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Ernest Buck Diary, 1927

Ernest Buck Diary 1927 15.pdf

Revision as of Nov 13, 2024, 3:11:07 PM, created by

March Friday 11 1927

Another wonderful day. Dan and I trimmed up brush along Mrs {Pefkers?} fence in the morning. Drove Cousin Eva and {Lois? or Lou?} up home after dinner, then had my first experience dressing and cleaning oats for the show when I got back. Mother and Dad gave Jean and I a reception at night. There were 108 present, Melb's orchestra played lovely and maybe I didn't have some of the most wonderful dances with Jean.

Saturday 12

The morning after the night before and a real night at that. My stomach felt kind of funny but Dan and I sawed and split birch blocks just the same after we did the morning chores. Helped look over oats after dinner then about four Dan and I drove to town and shipped them, did some shopping for Mrs Barker and I got some things for my wife for the first time.

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