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Ernest Buck Diary, 1927
Ernest Buck Diary 1927 19.pdf
Revision as of Nov 27, 2024, 4:34:05 PM, created by
April Thursday 28 1927
A fine cool day for working horses and I accomplished quite a lot of work when I harrowed the south half of oat field twice and rolled it in front of the drill. Dan sowed all day and nearly finished the piece. Had a delightful walk back and up the flats with Jean after supper in the twilight.
Friday 29
A wonderful day. Harrowed in the four acre piece all morning then in the afternoon the three of us helped the Hunters build a fence across the river. Fell in, got my feet wet, and scratched my foot on the barb wire. Jean brough me home a letter containing good news about the Tretheway-Ossian mines when she came home from town at noon.
Saturday 30
{left side of writing is cut off a bit} Rolled and harrowed in the three corner piece in the morning. Finished harrowing when Dan finished sowing it in the afternoon then harrowed the nine acres in the south field in three hours. {word cut off} increase arrived at noon and it has a dark complexion. Had a bath after supper, then went to town with Jean and Dan but was home arly. Through seeding Hurrah!