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Ernest Buck Diary, 1927
Ernest Buck Diary 1927 20.pdf
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May Wednesday 4 1927
Plowed root ground all day with "Gyp and Fly" and sure turned over a lot of ground. At night Jean, Dan, and I motored to town and spent a very pleasant evening at Eleanor's and Cousin Melville was there too and feeling full of the old "Nick"
Thursday 5
Spent the biggest part of the day bewteen the plow handles. At night Dan, Jean, and I drove to Paris to get "Harry" the new German police puppy when he came in by express. Read part of the story "King John of the {Mean?}" in the Ladies Home Journal before wewent to toost. Ernie Laughlin and P.J. Campbell called on me.
Friday 6
Cut and planted five short rows fo Irish cobbler potatoes in the garden then rolled until noon. Renewed my Ontario Farmer subscription. Spent the afternoon fencing the river and there abouts and it sure was a wonderful day for the job.
May Saturday 7 1927
Rolled in the root field in the morning then harrowed in the garden till noon. Then after dinner I scratched away in the sod field by sheep pen and then up along the lane. Jean helped me grass my horses after supper, then we did the dishes, listened to the "Wingers" on the radio and I had a bath and we went to roost.