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Ernest Buck Diary, 1927

Ernest Buck Diary 1927 23.pdf

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May Sunday 22 1927

A wonderful day and just like Summer Jean and I and our family attended church in the morning. Cunningham's came right after dinner then we went for a walk around the flats. Three Cayuga young men and the Telfer family were here for supper including Cousin Eva with her diamond. "Fly" got quite badly cut up when Dolly and Prince put her over the wire fence.

Monday 23

Another wet Monday and we spent the day housecleaning at the barn and at night I started to build a rack for my team harness. Had my first experience helping a sheep to lamb. Had to call Fasken to get him to remove a pair of ewe lambs and they are all right.

Tuesday 24

Fixed fence along the lane in the morning and then after dinner we hooked "Prince and Gyp" together for the first time and celebrated Victoria Day by working on the highway. Jean and I had only been in bed a few minutes when we had to get up as Charlie and Irene came over.

May Wednesday 25 1927

Jean and I had a pleasant ride to town in the buggy when we shipped the cream. Back in an hour and ten minutes from time we left home then worked on road till noon. After dinner we caught a crate of fat hens and Dan & I shipped them to Wallers when we brought home 3.20 lbs of chesnut coal with Prince and Gyp from the U.F.O. consignment. Roscoe & Eileen were here for supper and Websters for a few minutes later in the evening.

Thursday 26

Rolled oats, repaired eave troughs, and unloaded coal in the morning. Helped plant strawberries and worked on road after dinner. Warren and Maggie came over after supper and brought over two pigs Mr. Barker had purchased from them the week before.

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