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Ernest Buck Diary, 1927

Ernest Buck Diary 1927 24.pdf

Revision as of Dec 31, 2024, 4:39:58 PM, edited by

May Saturday 28 1927

Dan drove the team for a while in the morning and again at night but I worked them on the disc myself the rest of the day. Four of us went to town at night and Jean and I had our first Guernsey Milk Shake since we we married with Eleanor and Melville.

Sunday 29

Dan, Jean, & I attended church in the morning and heard Mr. Story, a missionary from South America, deliver a fine address. Mr. Wilson was back for first time since his illness. All of us were up at Cunninghams for dinner and supper and had a nice visit and two wonderful meals.

Monday 30

Worked the disc all morning and then took it home just before dinner. Harrowed and rolled in front of the drill when Dan and his Dad sowed the mangels and some of the corn. "Fly's" knee was all better when I brought her up from the pasture.

May Tuesday 31 1927

Up at 4.45 A.M. as Warren and Maggie came over and drove Mr and Mrs Barker and Dan to Toronto to ssee Lou in the Dodge Brothers. They arrived home a little after nine. Jean and I spent our first day alone since our honeymoon and had a great time feeding chickens and keeping things straight and I disced in between times.

June Wednesday 1

Disced the corn ground west of the barn crosswise in the morning and then in the afternoon I harrowed and rolled ahead of the drill while Dan sowed corn. Mr and Mrs. Cochrane and the Websters came about four o'clock so we had lots of company for supper when we had a good feed of chicken.

Thursday 2

Uncle Arts 18th Wedding Anniversary. Finished harrowing and rolling corn ground about ten then dug post holes until noon. Fixed fence all afternoon at end of orchard and Jean and her Mother attended afternoon tea at Crombies but were home in time to milk. Drove up home at night and didn't get home until almost 12 {the rest of the wording is cut off from bottom of page, unable to read}

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