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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 4..pdf

Revision as of Jan 15, 2025, 4:37:56 PM, edited by

We learned from him that Daddy had bought old Harry for $115.00 and that Huby had volunteered to ride him over in the saddle. Bill then took Belle and old Harry and went back to roll the oats. I went down as far as Vyse's with Huby to see how Daddy was coming on and found him working for all he was worth at the pump. which by right ought to have a horse to pump it.

About noon it began to thunder and rained a little during which shower we went into Vyse's house and afterwards home while we were at dinner it got very dark and a strong wind got up. and then began to rain and kept on till about three.

Bill went down town after dinner and is not back yet. Daddy white washed the kitchen and pantry ceilings and I read a couple of stories. When Dick came home the to cows were up in the barn yard so I put them in. A little while after wards I went out and Frank Vyse's white cow was up but no sign of Bobby, so I went back and found her licking a big bull calf at the top of the hill. Then Daddy and I went back and he steered it to it's supper.

After tea I milked Spotty and then went back with Daddy and he milked Bobby.

It was pretty hot this morning but is quite cool now after the rain. David is still in the orchard.

Thursday June 1st

Bill was sick this morning and said he had felt sick all night. He took a dose of salts and did not eat any breakfast. Then he went and lay down in the stable barn in the hay and put a horse blanket over himself and slept there till noon. He would not come in the house to sleep. At noon he felt better and ate his dinner and then went down to see Doc. Hicks who gave him some

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